Welcome to the online course “European R&D&I Funding opportunities” of MINE.THE.GAP. This course is part of the Business Hub Services offered to small and medium sized enterprises by the MINE.THE.GAP consortium.
MINE.THE.GAP is a project financed under the European Union’s EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020. With direct funding and business support services, it helps small and medium sized enterprises in implementing projects to make the raw materials and mining value chain more sustainable. The raw materials and mining sector must undergo significant changes to adapt to the current trends and technologies. Industrial modernisation and digitisation are not only keywords for big companies, but also for small and medium sized enterprises.
In this course we will learn about the key R&D&i funding mechanisms at european level, with special focus in SMEs from the raw materials and mining sectors.
Over the course we will review opportunities in the EU research and innovation programme (HE), specially in the Pillar II (Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness) and PiIlar III (Innovative Europe).
We will analyse opportunities for international cooperation under Eureka network, and specially under Eurostars programme, as well as funding opportunities available under other cascade funding programmes.
We wish you an enjoyable course!